A Dedication to Ted Eisenberg
Ted Eisenberg has been the bedrock of the Problems and Solutions Section of the SSMA Journal for twenty years. Ted, a mathematician at heart and an educator by vocation, edited the Problems and Solutions Section with unrelenting care and energy for all these years. In 2021 Ted saw the need to pass on the editorship to someone new.
For Ted, the core of mathematics enterprise, both in his teaching and research, has always been mathematics itself, with all its depth, complexity, and elegance. As a teacher, Ted continually strives to engender an aesthetic sense of the subject while showing respect for the mathematical thinking of others, especially when such thinking is novel.
Ted is generous toward people, whether close or distant. Those who personally know Ted know him to be a warm and caring human being. Those who have come to know Ted in correspondence with him find him most collegial, helpful, and kind. Ted’s mathematical career has touched many as attested by the dedication to his educational work in the book Mathematics & Mathematics Education: Searching for Common Ground, edited by Fried and Dreyfus. Ted’s salutary influence will be felt for many years to come. *by Albert Natian